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食物配料的英文(English Names for Common Food Ingredients)


As global trade and tr*el become more common, it is increasingly important for people to be able to communicate clearly about food ingredients. Especially for people who are allergic to certain foods or follow specific diets for health or religious reasons, knowing the English names of common food ingredients can be crucial. In this article, we will explore the English names of some of the most widely used food ingredients.

Spices and Herbs

Spices and herbs are essential to fl*oring and enhancing the taste of food. Here are some of the most common spices and herbs with their English names:- Cinnamon: a sweet spice often used in baking and cooking- Basil: a fragrant herb with a slightly sweet and peppery fl*or- Rosemary: a woody herb with a pine-like aroma, often used in Mediterranean cuisine- Turmeric: a yellow spice commonly used in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine- Paprika: a reddish-brown spice made from dried peppers, often used in Spanish and Hungarian dishes

Dairy Products

Dairy products are important for adding richness and creaminess to many dishes. Here are some common dairy products with their English names:- Milk: a liquid white substance created by mammal glands- Cream: a thicker, fattier version of milk used in baking and cooking- Butter: a yellowish fat made from milk, often used for cooking and baking- Cheese: a solid dairy product made from curdled milk

Proteins and Grains

Proteins and grains are essential for a healthy diet and provide important nutrients. Here are some common protein and grain ingredients with their English names:- Chicken: a common domesticated bird raised for meat- Beef: meat from a cow, often used in burgers and steaks- Pork: meat from a pig, often used in sausages and bacon- Rice: a staple crop in many countries and an essential in many dishes – Wheat flour: ground wheat used in baking

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables contain important vitamins and are often used as side dishes or to add fl*or to dishes. Here are some common fruits and vegetables with their English names:- Tomato: a red fruit commonly used in sauces and salads- Potato: a starchy vegetable often used as a side dish – Carrot: a root vegetable high in vitamin A – Apple: a sweet fruit often eaten raw or used in baking- Onion: a pungent vegetable used to add fl*or to dishes

Sugar Alternatives

For people who need to monitor their sugar intake or for vegans who *oid animal products, there are several alternatives to traditional sugar. Here are some common sugar alternatives and their English names:- Honey: a natural sweetener made by bees- Maple syrup: a sweet syrup made from the sap of maple trees- Ag*e nectar: a sweet syrup made from the ag*e plant- Stevia: a sweetener made from the le*es of the stevia plant


Being able to identify and communicate about food ingredients is important for anyone who wants to eat a healthy and enjoyable diet. In this article, we explored some common food ingredients and their English names. Whether you are cooking at home or dining out, knowing the English names of ingredients will help you make informed choices about what to eat.


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