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干燥剂英文怎么说(How to Say 干燥剂 in English?)


Do you know what \”干燥剂\” means? In short, it refers to a substance that can absorb moisture from the air, keeping things dry. In everyday life, you may encounter this term when you buy a new pair of shoes or a bag of dried fruits. But when you try to translate this word into English, you may feel puzzled. Don’t worry; in this article, we will explore how to say \”干燥剂\” in English.

Silica Gel

\”Silica gel\” is perhaps the most common and well-known translation of \”干燥剂\” in English. Silica gel is a porous and granular form of silicon dioxide, commonly used in various products to keep them dry. You may find silica gel packets in shoeboxes, electronic products, and medicine bottles. The packets usually h*e a label saying \”Do Not Eat,\” indicating that they are not food but a type of desiccant.


Besides silica gel, \”desiccant\” is another term that can be used to describe \”干燥剂.\” The word \”desiccant\” comes from the Latin word \”desiccans,\” which means \”drying.\” In chemistry, a desiccant is a hygroscopic substance that removes moisture from a solvent, gas, or solid material. Desiccants are widely used in the food industry, pharmaceuticals, and electronics to prevent mold growth, corrosion, and degradation.

Drying Agent

Similar to desiccants, \”drying agents\” are substances that can absorb moisture and keep things dry. However, the term \”drying agent\” is more general and can refer to various types of chemicals or materials. For example, ethanol, calcium oxide, and magnesium sulfate can be used as drying agents. The advantage of using a drying agent is that it can reach much lower levels of humidity than air alone, making it an effective solution for moisture control.


\”Absorbent\” is a common term used in the context of moisture control, and it can also be used to describe \”干燥剂.\” An absorbent material, as the name suggests, can absorb moisture and hold it within the material itself. Compared to other types of moisture control methods, such as ventilation or dehumidifying, absorbent materials are a more passive solution that does not require electricity or equipment.

Moisture-Adsorbent Materials

Aside from the above terms, you may also encounter the term \”moisture-adsorbent materials.\” As the name suggests, these materials can adsorb (not absorb) moisture, meaning that they can hold the moisture on their surface without actually incorporating it into their structure. A common example of a moisture-adsorbent material is activated carbon, commonly used in air purifiers to adsorb odors and pollutants from the air.


In conclusion, \”干燥剂\” can be translated into various terms in English, depending on the context and the specific type of substance used. Some common terms include \”silica gel,\” \”desiccant,\” \”drying agent,\” \”absorbent,\” and \”moisture-adsorbent materials.\” By understanding these terms, you can communicate more effectively when purchasing products or discussing moisture control with professionals.


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