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感恩节由来介绍英文简短(The Origin of Thanksgiving and Its Meaning in Modern Times)


Thanksgiving is an important holiday in Western countries, particularly in the United States and Canada. It is a celebration of the autumn harvest and a time to express gratitude for blessings in life. The holiday carries a rich history that has evolved over time, leading to the celebration we know today.

The Origin of Thanksgiving

The first Thanksgiving can be traced back to 1621 in Plymouth, Massachusetts. The pilgrims, who had just experienced a successful harvest, invited the neighboring Wampanoag tribe to celebrate with them in a three-day feast. This was seen as an expression of gratitude to their new friends for their help in farming and hunting. From that day forward, Thanksgiving became an annual event, celebrated by various communities in the United States during different seasons.

The Evolution of Thanksgiving

In 1789, George Washington proclaimed November 26th as a national day of Thanksgiving. This was the first time the holiday was officially recognized at the national level. However, it wasn’t until 1863, during the Civil War, that Abraham Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday in November as a national day of Thanksgiving. Since then, Thanksgiving has been celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November, becoming a symbol of unity and thanks for Americans.

Modern Day Thanksgiving

In modern times, Thanksgiving has become a time to gather with family and friends, share a meal, and give thanks for the blessings received throughout the year. Many traditions that date back to the early days of Thanksgiving remain popular, such as turkey dinners, pumpkin pies, and football games. For many, it is also a time to volunteer in the community and help those in need.

The Importance of Gratitude

The essence of Thanksgiving is gratitude. It reminds us to appreciate the people and opportunities in our lives, and to express our thanks to them. A grateful attitude can h*e a positive impact on our mental and physical health, and improve our relationships with others. Furthermore, according to research, people who practice gratitude are generally more optimistic and happier in life.


Thanksgiving is more than just a holiday. It is a reminder to focus on the positive aspects of our lives and be grateful for them. By expressing our gratitude, we can bring joy and happiness to ourselves and those around us. May we all embrace the spirit of Thanksgiving, and carry it with us throughout the year.


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