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楚门的世界经典英文台词(Exploring the Iconic Quotes from the Classic Film – The Truman Show)

1. Introduction

The Truman Show is a timeless classic that has captured the hearts and minds of audiences around the world. This movie is a thought-provoking commentary on the nature of reality, media, and the human condition. One of the most compelling aspects of the movie is the wealth of quotable lines that h*e become ingrained in popular culture.

2. \”We Accept the Reality of the World with Which We’re Presented\”

Perhaps the most famous quote from the movie, this line is spoken by the character Christof, the creator and producer of the Truman Show. It reflects the fact that we often take the world around us at face value without questioning its authenticity. It’s a reminder that our perceptions of reality are he*ily influenced by the media we consume.

3. \”Good Morning, and If I Don’t See Ya, Good Afternoon, Good Evening, and Good Night!\”

This iconic line is Truman Burbank’s trademark greeting to everyone he meets in his hometown of Seah*en. Even though he’s not consciously aware of it, this greeting hints at his desire to break free from the artificial world he has been trapped in for his entire life.

4. \”The Sky Is Falling; The Sky Is Falling!\”

This line is spoken by the character Meryl, who is Truman’s fake wife in the movie. She shouts this line as part of a scene in which she is supposed to be reacting to an airplane in distress. The line is meant to illustrate the absurdity of fear-mongering media and how easily people can be manipulated by the media.

5. \”I like to think that if I were walking down the street, and I saw myself coming, I’d run.\”

This quote is spoken by Truman when he is struggling with his sense of identity and coming to grips with the fact that his entire life has been a lie. It speaks to a universal human experience of feeling trapped and wanting to escape one’s current circumstances.

6. \”We Were Nothing More than a Soap Opera\”.

This line is spoken by the character Christof, towards the end of the movie. It reveals the self-awareness of the show’s creator about the nature of his creation. The line is a commentary on the commodification of human life and the ways in which we are reduced to mere entertainment for others.


The Truman Show is a movie that continues to captivate audiences with its thought-provoking commentary on the nature of reality, media, and the human condition. The quotes from the movie h*e become a part of popular culture and are often referenced in everyday conversations. Each quote speaks to a specific theme in the movie and provides a window into the character’s thoughts and emotions. These quotes serve as a reminder that the themes explored in the movie are just as relevant today as they were when it was first released.


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