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1. h*e a sweet tooth:爱吃甜食

2. cut down on:减少(某种食物的摄入)

3. go on a diet:节食,减肥

4. a bite to eat:吃点东西

5. feel peckish:有点饿了

6. grab a bite:吃一口

7. h*e a meal:用餐

8. h*e a sip:喝一口

9. pack a lunch:自带午餐


1. brush up on:复习,温习

2. cram for an exam:临时抱佛脚,突击复习考试

3. fall behind:落后

4. keep up with:跟上,保持同步

5. lose track of time:忘记时间

6. burn the midnight oil:熬夜工作

7. take a break:休息一下

8. work overtime:加班

9. attend a meeting:出席会议


1. be in shape:身体状态良好

2. work up a sweat:出汗,锻炼身体

3. hit the gym:去健身房

4. cool down:放松身体,降温

5. break a leg:祝好运

6. get into shape:变得健康,变得符合标准

7. keep fit:保持健康,健身

8. go for a jog:去慢跑

9. run a marathon:参加马拉松


1. hit the road:出发

2. sightsee:观光

3. get away:去度假,逃离

4. catch a flight:赶飞机

5. check in:办理入住手续

6. take off:起飞

7. arrive at:到达

8. book a ticket:订票

9. rent a car:租车


1. keep in touch:保持联系

2. break up:分手

3. make up:和解,和好

4. give someone the cold shoulder:故意冷落某人

5. be on the same w*elength:思想一致

6. h*e a crush on:迷恋某人

7. be in a relationship:恋爱中

8. get over:克服,摆脱

9. fall in love with:爱上某人


1. hang out:闲逛,出去玩逛街

2. sit tight:耐心等待,别急着动

3. keep your chin up:振作起来,不要沮丧

4. take it easy:放轻松,不要紧张

5. get the hang of:掌握,熟悉

6. make a long story short:长话短说

7. you bet:当然可以

8. no can do:不行,办不到

9. time flies:时间飞逝



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