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英文对话简单二人初次见面(Simple English Conversation Between Two People Meeting for the First Tim)


Meeting new people can be daunting, especially when it involves speaking in a different language. In this article, we will introduce you to a simple English conversation between two people meeting for the first time. This conversation will include basic questions and answers that will help you in situations when you need to make small talk with someone.

Greeting and Introducing Yourself

The first step in any conversation is to greet the other person. In English, we usually say ‘hello’ or ‘hi’. After the greeting, you can introduce yourself. For example:

Person A: Hello, my name is Tom. What’s your name?

Person B: Hi, I’m Sarah.

Asking Where Someone is From

After introducing yourself, you might want to ask where the other person is from. This is a great conversation starter and can lead to more interesting discussions. You can ask in the following way:

Person A: Where are you from?

Person B: I’m from Canada. What about you?

Asking About Someone’s Occupation

You can also ask about the other person’s occupation. Most people love talking about what they do for a living. Here’s an example conversation:

Person A: So, what do you do for work?

Person B: I’m an engineer. How about you?

Person A: I’m a teacher.

Asking About Hobbies or Interests

Another way to keep the conversation going is to ask about the other person’s hobbies or interests. This can be a great way to find out more about what they like to do in their free time. Here’s an example:

Person A: What do you like to do in your free time?

Person B: I love to play video games and read. How about you?

Person A: I enjoy hiking and watching movies.

Ending the Conversation

As with any conversation, there comes a time when it will naturally come to an end. This could be when you need to le*e or when the other person needs to go. Here’s an example of how you could end the conversation:

Person A: Well, it was great meeting you, Sarah.

Person B: Yes, it was nice meeting you too, Tom. H*e a good day!

Person A: You too!

Remember, keeping the conversation simple and natural is key to making a good first impression. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, share about yourself, and most importantly, be kind and respectful. With these tips and basic phrases, you’ll be able to h*e simple but effective English conversations with ease.


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