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雅思写作评分标准细则英文(Understanding IELTS Writing Assessment Criteria)


If you are planning to take the IELTS exam, you must familiarize yourself with the assessment criteria for the writing section. The test assesses your ability to write effectively in English, based on four major criteria. Understanding what the examiners are looking for will help you to achieve a high score.

Task Response

The first criterion is task response. This refers to how well you h*e responded to the assigned task. You must understand the question and address all its requirements. You must also organize your answer clearly and logically, presenting the necessary information and details to support your points.

Coherence and Cohesion

Coherence and cohesion are the second criteria. This evaluates how well you h*e organized your writing, and how your ideas flow logically from one sentence to another. You must use appropriate linking words and connectors, and structure your response to make it easy for the reader to understand.

Lexical Resource

The third criterion is lexical resource, which refers to your choice and use of words to express yourself clearly and accurately. You need to use a wide range of vocabulary, appropriate to the task, and use it correctly. Avoid mistakes in grammar, spelling and punctuation.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy

Grammatical range and accuracy are the final criterion. This evaluates your ability to use a range of sentence structures and grammatical patterns, and to use them correctly. You must use appropriate tense, voice and modality, and *oid common mistakes in grammar and syntax.


In conclusion, the IELTS writing assessment criteria are clear and specific. You need to demonstrate a strong grasp of English language skills to achieve a high score. Ensure that you understand the task, organize your writing effectively, use a wide range of vocabulary and grammatical structures, and *oid common mistakes. With practice, you can develop the skills to succeed in the IELTS writing test.


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