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The purpose of this article is to provide a 5000-word English major thesis reference, to help English majors better understand the writing process and structure of academic papers, and to provide examples of good academic writing.

Literature Review

The literature review is an important part of the thesis. It not only provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of the research background and current research status of the topic, but also serves as a guide for the direction and scope of the research. In the literature review, the author should summarize the relevant research studies and theories, and point out the gaps and limitations of the existing research, which justifies the necessity of the author’s own research.


The methodology section of the thesis explains the research methods adopted by the author, including the data collection methods, research tools, and data analysis methods. It should also explain the validity and reliability of the research methods and justify why they are appropriate for the research questions or hypotheses.


The results section provides a detailed presentation of the research findings. The author should present the data and findings in a clear and organized manner, and use tables, figures, or graphs to visualize the findings whenever appropriate. The author should also explain the significance and implications of the findings, and relate them back to the research questions or hypotheses.


The discussion section is where the author analyzes and interprets the findings in light of the research questions or hypotheses. The author should provide a comprehensive discussion of the results, highlight their strengths and limitations, and relate them to the existing research in the field. The author should also provide suggestions for future research and implications for practice, if applicable.


The conclusion is the final section of the thesis. It should summarize the main findings, restate the research questions or hypotheses, and provide a final analysis of the research problem. It should also highlight the significance and implications of the research, and provide suggestions for future research or practice. The conclusion should le*e readers with a clear understanding of the author’s research and its contribution to the field.

In conclusion, writing an English major thesis requires rigorous research, careful planning, and thoughtful analysis. Hopefully, this 5000-word thesis reference can provide English majors with a useful guide for their own academic writing.


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